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Seneca, Illinois

  • Charlene 

Seneca, Illinois

Spring Brook Marina in Seneca, Illinois
We're on the boat! We're starting off from Spring Brook Marina in Seneca, Illinois.

We had a four-day stay at the hotel. It was supposed to be three, but the boat wasn’t quite ready. Greg and Matt saw some sights. I worked. We ate Chicago-style pizza. I have to say, I’m not a fan.

Then, we hopped in our rented car and drove to Seneca to see live in our boat.

Spring Brook Marina

The plan was to live on the boat for a week while final repairs were being made. Then, we would travel back to Chicago for some one-on-one training. After that, we would start our journey south.

I had to work four of the five weekdays we were on the boat. The first day was a bit of a challenge as there was work being done and engines were running. After that, it quieted down. When I used Greg’s Verizon hotspot, my connection was good.

Something I knew but that really hit home during our week in Seneca was the friendliness of the people in the boating community. I have to remind myself not to act city. I can actually make eye contact, smile, and greet people.

Fellow boaters would just walk up to us and start talking. They didn’t always introduce themselves, so I would introduce myself and try to remember to ask them questions about themselves — just the niceties that people do as a matter of course but that I’ve gotten out of the habit of doing over the years.

One of the people on the boat a few docks down asked if we liked fishing.

Yes we do.

So he loaned Matt a very nice rod and a set of lures. I found that quite astonishing.

The Boating Life

I think small towns might be like this. The only problem is that in a small town, you’re generally an outsider for the first 5 or 10 years after you move there. In the boating world, though, you’re instantly part of the community.

I always knew I liked boats and the boating community. I didn’t have a chance to experience it a lot in my life, though.

Before I had my cancer diagnosis, I decided I was going to learn to sail and I started looking at yacht clubs. I found one, signed up for lessons and got my diagnosis the next week. I managed to complete training before my treatment started.

I didn’t have a chance to join the club, though. Then Covid hit. Sailing was off the table for a while. Greg is a boater too, but not a sailor. His dream was to own a boat we could live on and he achieved that dream this year. I get the community and atmosphere that I love. It’s just a little noisier when we’re underway.

What we know about boats

Greg had taken a course pre-Covid to learn how to drive big boats. He has driven smaller boats (18′) for decades. When we were learning to sail, I picked up some knowledge about markers and tides. And that’s it.

Needless to say, we are off for the journey off a lifetime with very limited experience.

Shoutout to Jimmy and Paula, the previous owners of our boat. They are a lovely couple and so helpful to the newbies that we are.

About US

Greg and Charlene

We’re Greg and Charlene.

The Journey So Far starts when we left the cottage for our boating adventure.

We’re documenting our journey here so that we can look back when we are old(er) and remember the adventure we had.

We also want to share our adventure with family and friends.

Our sons Matthew and Matthew will join us on our journey at times.

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