It seems to be our fate that when we are entering or leaving a marina, there’s going to be a boat blocking our way.
Today it was a pontoon boat.
Maybe we’re being overly cautious but we’re not as maneuverable as they are and we’re always afraid they’ll do something stupid and we’ll ram them.
Kenlake Marina
Yesterday, we met Ed and Lucy in Bolo. I’m not sure if Lucy was pulling our leg when she told us Ed bought the boat on eBay. We didn’t ask him to confirm because it makes a great story. It’s a German boat. Not sure of the make.
If you ever have a chance to meet Ed and Lucy, please don’t pass it up. Ed has tons of stories. He’s a fascinating guy.
He’s ex-military. When he retired, he got a degree in social sciences. He and Lucy are living on the boat full-time and travelling the river
I really liked the vibe of Kenlake Marina. It didn’t have a lot of amenities, but the people were great.
Travel Days are Fun
Despite the tension of trying to leave a marina when there are boats fishing or sitting at the entrance, we really like travel days.
I especially love the sound and smell of the water. I love seeing birds and fish (and the occasional river camel on really hot days).