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Well, I Guess We Live in Alton Now

Well, I Guess We Live in Alton Now

Deep Thoughts in her last berth for the year
Deep Thoughts may not be going south this winter, but we still plan to.

Greg and I tried to fix the impeller yesterday. We got really, really close but when we turned the water back on, there was a pretty heavy leak.

We had been working on it for some time. I was exhausted. Greg was discouraged. So, we put the floor back in and went out for dinner. 

We’re going to try again tomorrow. I’m pretty sure that we either have to tighten two clamps a little more (fingers crossed that this is the problem), or shove two hoses a little higher (hope this isn’t the problem as they are extremely difficult to get to).

After our next attempt, if we ,manage to not have a leak, we have to turn on the engines and see if the boat blows up.

If it doesn’t, there’s a 50/50 chance we did everything right.

Whether we did it right or wrong, we have decided to call it and take Deep Thoughts out of the water.

We’ve suspected for a while that Deep Thoughts isn’t Loop-ready, but we kept hoping that the latest repair would get us to the next point in the journey.

We will miss living on the boat so much.

We won’t actually be living in Alton, although we will be staying here a few more days. 

Since we got here so late, we didn’t have a chance to experience the raved-about Alton amenities.

Nobody to socialize with
Nobody to socialize with
No Showers
No Showers
Empty pool
No Swimming

At the moment, we still plan on attending the Winter Rendezvous but we have to rescind our offer of Pina Colada to anyone who drops by as there will be no boat, no blender, and no beverages. 🙁

I will also miss writing about our journey. 

About US

Greg and Charlene

We’re Greg and Charlene.

The Journey So Far starts when we left the cottage for our boating adventure.

We’re documenting our journey here so that we can look back when we are old(er) and remember the adventure we had.

We also want to share our adventure with family and friends.

Our sons Matthew and Matthew will join us on our journey at times.

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1 thought on “Well, I Guess We Live in Alton Now”

  1. Hi, Charlene. I’m sorry to hear about the boat. Where are you living now? If you have a mailing address, could you please send it to me?

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