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The Truman Show Redux

The Truman Show Redux

The Truman Show is a 1998 movie starring Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank. Truman is the star of a reality show but doesn’t know it.

Greg and I kind of feel like we might be starring in our own reality show right now.

Porty, our generally reliable port engine, has died.

We had always held Porty up as an example for Starby, our recalcitrant starboard engine. We can’t do that anymore.

I’ll pick what’s behind the curtain, Monty

Now we have to decide what the heck we’re going to do tomorrow.

Do we head back to Beardstown and try to find someone to take a look at the engine? That doesn’t really seem like a viable option given the listed services in the area.

Do head even further back to Peoria? No! Going backwards is not an option!

Boat Services within 60 miles of where we are anchored

Peoria: Services available

Beardstown: None

Port Charles:  Services available



Do we keep going on our starboard engine, and try to get services in Port Charles? Risky given the barge traffic if Starby gives up the ghost. Do we stitch all of my clothing into a giant sail and make our way under wind power? Wait — we’re in a reality show, not a cartoon. That’s not going to work. Here are some of the other issues we have encountered.
  • Ice Maker — This was also working when we boarded in August. We suspect the water line may be clogged. Or, I might have done something when I was turning the taps underneath. We can obviously live without an ice maker.
  • Lines around the propeller — When we were pulling up to the courtesy dock in Hammond, I managed to drop a line in the water. It got snagged on the propeller. No damage (thank goodness!) except to our wallets.
  • I keep falling down the damn stairs — Today, I slipped on the steps to the aft cabin for the third time! The first time was a surprise. I was in sock feet and my feet went out from under me. I landed on my butt, which is ample, so did not hurt myself. I didn’t think anything of it until I slipped the second time a few weeks later. That one really pissed me off because I landed on my tailbone. I was yelping every time I sat for a week. Today, I was very careful. I had a firm hold on the rail and still I slipped! Landed on my butt again, so no injuries.

If we are in a reality show, I can’t really blame the last two items on the producers unless there are buttons in the control room that can move parts of the boat from a remote location.

“She’s dropped the rope. Quick, slide the swim platform an inch to the right so that the starboard line falls into the water. Divers, stand by to make sure it gets wrapped around the propeller. Go, go, go!”

Okay, she’s heading down the steps. Get ready to slide the top step in half an inch … now!”

Amusing, but unlikely. Still, if you’re watching, goodnight. And in case we don’t see you tomorrow, good morning,  good afternoon, good evening and goodnight!

About US

Greg and Charlene

We’re Greg and Charlene.

The Journey So Far starts when we left the cottage for our boating adventure.

We’re documenting our journey here so that we can look back when we are old(er) and remember the adventure we had.

We also want to share our adventure with family and friends.

Our sons Matthew and Matthew will join us on our journey at times.

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